In this time of tenuous loyalty and FOMO, agencies must realize that although you may get hired from the top, you most definitely get fired from the bottom. If you are not paying attention to providing excellent service across all levels at the client, be prepared to face a groundswell of discontent that the CMO or CEO may not be able to ignore, no matter how strong you believe the relationship is.
In 1987 the tenure of the average client/agency relationship was 7.2 years. In 2016, the average survivability of relationships is 34 months. This is barely time for an agency, under a traditional model, to move an account into profitability. The nature of the relationships is clearly changing. Retainer business is less the norm and project work requiring greater agility, foresight and modularity is what’s required to hold business. This dynamic will intensify as clients seek partners who can help transform their businesses to meet the gravitational pull of the omniconsumer. There is pressure from clients to deliver more-for-less with greater speed and efficiency across all channels all the time.
On our transformation journey as an industry, and in the face of encroaching competition from big consultancies now meaningfully playing in the agency space, here are five thoughts to help buy some meaningful time in your relationships.
I was recently reminded of the power of training when we hosted our people through negotiation skills training. It required full engagement and active learning, and was immediately applicable to their daily business lives. They were grateful, and felt they had acquired essential skills to survive the ever-changing landscape of client engagement. Training at any level is always the right choice.
The only certain thing is that our world will change dramatically again. Investing in relationships with clients, upskilling people, and incentivizing top performing talent is not only the smart thing to do, it gives us a survival shot when the deck, in these times, seems to be stacked against us.
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